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Your Comments
My father was with the Brockville Rifles. We greatly look forward to the parade every year. The parade is very dear to us. As in the past, I have always made a point of participating in the Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks and paying tribute to the men and women who sacraficed their lives so that I may have the freedoms I enjoy today. I have been both a spectator and a participant in the parade from the time I was a baby. I am now 63 and hope to continue for many years to come. I have been going to the Warriors' Day Parade for many years. My dad was a WWI veterans with the 20th Battalion. My brother was a WWII veteran and was in a Japanese POW camp for four years and later served in Hong Kong. Thank you. Thank you for your contined support and organization of this honoured event. My father-in-law fought in WWII. We feel it is important to encourage our now-adult children to honour all those who keep our world free from oppressions/aggression. Dad went to war in WWII and was killed. The parade means a lot to me. God bless you people for everything you did for us. When I go every year the memories rush back and with them many tears of thanks. The tradition of attending the Warriors' Day Parade was started by my parents and has gone on through the generations of both marching in and watching the parade by the family veterans and their families. My father was in the First World War serving with the 20th Battalion originating right here in Toronto and joined up after arriving in Toronto from England in his late teens. Your dedication to this Warriors' Day Parade event is certainly appreciated. My dad served overseas in WWI with the 38th Battalion. I am 85 years old and have been attending the CNE since I was a very young child. I still love seeing the parade, it brings back very fond memories. My late father served with the RCAF and we went to the parade every year together. I am so grateful for the wonderful memories. Thank you. Warrior's Day was my wife's special day every single year at the CNE. She passed away several years ago and our seven grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren want to remember her by continuing to attend the parade. Her father served with the Toronto Scottish in WWII. Both of my late uncles served overseas in WWII with the Candian Army. I will be attending the Warriors' Day Parade in their memory. There are fewer and fewer WWII veterans still with us. It is so sad. However I am very pleased that the CNE continue to host this amazing event year after year. It is becoming harder for me to attend each year but I will always support the parade! I served with 763 (Ottawa) Communications Regiment. It will truly be an honour to attend the Warriors' Day Parade with my wife and daughter. Both my grandfather and father-in-law were veterans. My mother, who is now 84, always made sure that our family went to the Warriors' Day Parade each year to honour her father. This may be the last year that she can make it, so everyone is making a special effort to be there, including her first great grandson. We truly believe we must support our veterans and their families. My father was a veteran and I have fond memories of our visits to the Ex on Warriors' Day with my parents and 5 siblings. We always started out our day watching the parade and this has become a family tradition for us. It means a lot to us. My father was a Captain in the Canadian Army. We had 15 family members in attendance at last years Warriors' Day Parade and we had a grand time. We plan to keep up this tradition each year. My grandfather served with the Canadian Army. I have 12 family members coming from Vancouver to see the famous Warriors' Day Parade and to remember him. Thank you for everything. I served with the Canadian Armed Forces from 1970 until 1996 in Canada and overseas. I plan to be at the Warriors' Day Parade to share this special day with ten of my family members. Sadly my father passed away recently. He had planned to attend the Warriors' Day Parade again with his nine children and eight grandchildren who will be attending in his memory and to keep up this long family tradition of attending as a family. Thank you for everything that you do for our Veterans. We have our family reunion every year at the CNE on Warriors' Day, all 35 of us! My father served in WWII with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps and my Grandfather served in WWI and during WWII with the Royal Canadian Veterans Guard. Thank you very much, we all consider it a privilege to be able to thank the Armed Forces past and present at this time. My mother requested that we carry on the family tradition of attending the Warriors' Day Parade every year at the CNE. She passed away a year ago and wanted the family to keep this tradition going just as we have for the last 35 years! My father served with the Royal Canadian Engineers. Many thanks on behalf of our family. The Warriors' Day Parade is the absolute highlight of my family's summer! Thank you! My Grandfather served in the RCAMC Lincoln and Welland. Thank you for all your hard work organizing this parade and for continuing to provide what I think is an amazing way to honour our Veterans, past and present! My late father served in the Canadian Army in WWII from 1943 until 1946. Thank you for keeping this parade going, our family appreciates it and enjoys it immensely. We must continue to pay tribute to our armed forces who served Canada so gallantly in the past and also must support and honour our Canadian troops serving overseas, especially in Afghanistan. My father was wounded and held as a prisoner of war in WWI. The Warriors' Day Parade is very dear to us. My father was with the Brockville Rifles. As in the past, I have always made a point to participate in the annual Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks and paying tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I may have the freedoms I enjoy today. Your links page resource is great and is very useful, thank you! I have been researching with my class (I am history teacher) on famous nurses throughout history especially serving in various wars over time. The kids and I work interactively, almost as if they are building the lesson plan with me. In this process, we go online together (we have new classroom technology that allows me to be online and interactive with the kids in the front of the classroom - it's cool) and have been researching about famous and influential people "behind the scenes" such as nurses. We attend every year with our Grandchildren. We are trying to keep them aware of their past history and to be aware of the sacrifices that my Father and many others made for them and this great country. Each year I am again reminded by members of my family just how important this event is. I hear so many times "This is just what Mom and Dad (Gramma & Poppa) would want." We are reminded every year at the parade just how lucky we are to live where we do. I hope we may all continue this honour for many years ahead. We have attended for the last 25 years and greatly appreciate the time and work spent in organizing the parade each year. Over the years we have taken so many people to the parade who had never seen the Veterans march. Although the parade is become much smaller over the years, we are so proud of our Canadian Veterans! I am 90 years old and during WWII I served in the Middle East, India and Burma. I am a 40 year member of the Royal Canadian Legion. I will be attending the parade again this year with my daughters and grandchildren. Keep up the great work. My father served in WWII. We will remember him on Warriors' Day. We all love that day out with the Vet's. It' a great day. Dad marched in the parade for many years. Sadly he is now gone but ten of his family members attend the spectacular parade each year to cheer on our Veterans. Let me thank you for your ongoing hard work and dedication in keeping this event going year after year. Keep up the wonderful work and tradition for our Veterans and Canadian Forces members. The Parade is one of the highlights of our summer. Our entire family attend to keep the memory alive. Both my grandfather and my father-in-law were Veterans. We always gather as a family and watch the parade with pride and yes, sometimes with tears in our eyes. My father was planning to attend the parade with his nine children and eight grandchildren. Sadly he passed away in January. His children and grandchildren want to keep up the tradition of attending the parade together as a family. Our family tradition of attending the parade goes back to 1963 and has continued every year since then. Our extended families enjoy the memories of years ago and truly look forward to doing it again this year. May God bless our Veterans! Sadly my Dad passed away this year at the age of 96. We took Dad each year to the Warriors' Day Parade and it became a family tradition. He never missed a year. In memory of my Dad, our family will attend again this year. I was seriously wounded in WWII and it means a lot to me to celebrate Warriors' Day. Our 15 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren will all be attending. My father was a WWII Veteran and we always enjoyed watching the parade. The day is especially important for the younger members of our family as they appreciate the work that our soldiers have done and continue to do. I have not missed this parade more than a couple times since 1946. My father served in WWI. Attending the Warriors' Day Parade is a tradition of our family started by my parents, gone on now through several generations. The parade is very dear to us. Thank you for keeping it going. I thank the Warriors' Day Parade Council for organizing this special day at the CNE each year for the Canadian veterans and their families. My father was a WWII Veteran. Sadly he passed away several years ago. The parade has always been a tradition that my sister and I looked forward to for as long as we can remember. We were always so proud to see our Dad marching in the parade, in later years riding on his beloved restored quad with the 25 pounder field artillery gun in tow. We look foward to paying tribute to Dad again this year. As in the past, I have always made it a point to participate in the Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks and paying tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I may have the freedoms I enjoy today. I go every year to see the parade. As a VAC employee I am honoured to serve the Veterans and their families. The Warriors' Day Parade has been a family tradition for over 50 years. My father was in WWI and four brothers served in WWII. May God bless you in all you do for the Veterans. Thank you for your help and ongoing service to Vets and retired CF members! I am 86 years young and cherish every Warriors' Day Parade with my family. It is a great honour for all of us to be involved. I want to thank the committee on behalf of all the Veterans, families and staff from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre who attended this year in all their efforts to make the Warriors’ Day Parade so enjoyable this year. With a new venue, once again, you were able to meet our needs and provide us with a great experience for the Veterans. Warriors' Day is a family tradition that is being carried on from generation to generation. As the years go by, the family is growing and there are more of us attending the parade every year. This is a day we all look forward to every year. It's the one day, other than Christmas that the whole family is together. Thank you for keeping the parade going. My Father served in the Boer War. In WWII I had 3 brothers, 3 brothers-in-law and 1 sister-in-law who all served. Thank you for your kindness. God bless you all who are helping the veterans everywhere. My Family and I enjoy watching these magnificent 'old timers' proudly march into the CNE grounds every year, to the incredible cheers and applause of the thousands of spectators. If it wasn't for them God only knows what the world would be like today! We owe them everything. My husband, now deceased, was a WWII Veteran. I look forward to this event every year. It brings back so many memories. Thank you so very much! I have enjoyed many good times at the CNE Warriors' Day with children, Grandchildren and now Great Grandchildren. Thank you for your dedication in keeping this event alive. Thank you so much for giving my family and I the opportunity to attend this special day at the CNE to remember and give thanks for our troops this year. I would like to compliment members of the committee for your dedication and hard work in organizing this event year after year. Thank you! My thanks to the Council's work in keeping the tradition to honour the Veterans and members of Canada's Armed Services and to the administrators of the CNE. My Grandchildren and myself look forward each year to see what I think is the best parade ever. My father-in-law participated in WWII (and to a lesser extent my own father, although as a farmer, he was trained, and in Reserve, only). We feel it is important to encourage our now-adult children to honour all those who keep our world free from oppressions/aggression. Thank you for your continued support and organization of this honoured event. Congratulations on an outstanding parade. My wife and I enjoyed the parade as spectators once again. I know that some (I suspect very few) had been complaining about the shortened route, but I think that the layout was brilliant - it concentrated the spectators, and allowed some of the more senior marchers to participate once again. Well done! Warriors Day was great.....I salute all those brave men and women that made and are making this country what it is today......and for those that never made it home, I pray for you and we shall all neet again someday...... First Time volunteering at this great event. Would do it again. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this meaningful Parade. This year's parade, while shortened, for the benefit of the Marchers, performed very well. The route seemed wide enough for the paraders, especially the wonderful bands.The bleachers afforded the audience an elevated, great viewing facility for which we thank you too. The proximity to the VIPs, especially the Reviewing Officer, The Georgetown Legion Branch 120 will be participating in the parade and as Post 40 Plymouth Massassuchetts will be joining the parade as well we have marched over 20 years it is gorgeous to to be part of the parade. I can count on one hand the number of Warriors Day Parades that have not been attended by at least one member of my family since that first parade. Beginning with my grandparents, parents, myself, my children and now my grandchildren. My father marched first with the Legion and then for a number of years as a Piper with Sand Hill Pipe Band. I have many wonderful memories. I take my grandchildren to the parade each year and they love it. I would like to acknowledge the hard work that the Parade Council put into organizing and running this event year after year. It is a tribute to those who serve or have served and those who have gone before us. I for one say, Thank You. Please keep uo this excellent and important tradition for the many Veterans. We feel iti is important to enourage our now-adult children to honour all those who keep our world free from oppressions/aggression. Thank you for your continued support and organization of this honoured event. What a joy it is to join other veterans in this outstanding display of courage. Every year we go to the parade and we always enjoy it. We have had the honour of speaking to some Vets and it's amazing their courage and strength. They gave my family and all of us freedom, a priceless gift! We just love to see the veterans so proudly marching every year and the music is always very emotional/ We have been going to watch the parade for years, it's what we do on the 3rd Saturday of August every single year. I was seriously wounded in the war and this parade of fellow fighters means a lot to me and my family. My father will be attending the parade, along with members of his family who come to Toronto expecially to see him walk, even at 98, he may walk part or all the way. We look forward to once again honouring the many men who in the past and in the present strive to keep peace in this world of ours. We look forward to this excellent parade each year. My father was a WWII veteran, and we always enjoy watching the parade and the festivities that follow. With the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is especially important for the younger members of our family to attend and appreciate the work that are soldiers are doing. I commend your committee for the wonderful performance you provide for us, you do a fantastic job! As in the past, I have always made a point to participate in the annual Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks, and pay tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I may have the freedoms I enjoy today. I have been both a spectator and a participant in the parade from the time I was a baby, 55 years ago. I hope to continue for many years to come. As in the past, I have always made a point to participate in the annual Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks, and pay tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I may have the freedoms I enjoy today. I have been both a spectator and a participant for the past 54 years. I hope to continue for many years to come. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the hard work that the Parade Council do to organize and run this event. I for one, say, THANK YOU. My family and my brother's family always participate in the annual visit to the Warriors' Day Parade. We will continue to keep the memory of the great sacrifices made by our veterans, alive in the minds and hearts of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I can't march anymore but I still love sitting in the coliseum in comfort with my old friends as we watch everybody else come through as I did for many years, and it makes me feel so proud! You have all been doing a wonderful job. I can't thank you enough. Keep up the good work. I wish to express my deep gratitute in being able to parade our famous (restored) WW II and Korean War 25 pdf field artillery gun/howitzer in the parade. I have told one and all that this was the best and most satisfying parade that we have participated in. The spectators gave us tremendous ovations all along the route and I tell you, being a WW II Veteran, I was continually choking back the tears the length of the parade. I wish the CNE and your Warriors' Day Council in particular, continued (outstanding) success. You are a tribute to this great Country of ours, CANADA! It was my first Warriors' Day Parade, marching with the Vietnam Veterans, Chapter 20. My brother, Tim (Danny) Sturm has been coming up to march for over twenty years. I'll be back next year to do it all over again. Great turnout and very well planned. Keep up the good work. Thanks again. What a fantastic website! So many great pictures and stories! As a WWII veteran who served in the CWAC, I am very proud to march as a piper in this parade every year. Keep it going! We appreciate the good work you put in year round!! My compliments to whoever designed this beautiful website!!! It was a great pleasure to bring representatives of the RAF Regiment Association to join you in 2006. What a real treat it was to partake with the UK National Standard and 5 others. We shall be with you in spirit this year and convey our good wishes to all. Here's these guys who fought in the war and they're still here marching today. It's an opportunity to show my appreciation for the gift of freedom they've given to us. If it wasn't for the veterans, we might not be here today. It's a chance to honour our fallen comrades. It shows the support that they have for the troops overseas. The freedoms that we enjoy in this country, we would never have if it weren't for these boys going by us right now." This was a very special event and the first time that my husband and I have attended. In fact, sad to say, it is the first time we'd even heard about it. I hope there is more advertising done for next year. I know that both my husband and myself will be sharing much "word of praise" to everyone we know to make an effort to attend this amazing and emotional event! Thank you for making this happen! I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed the Warriors' Day Parade and also the Salute to Heroes that followed in the Coliseum. It's hard to find the words to describe the feeling I had while watching the Veterans parade before me. To think these men and women made a safer place for me and my family to live. Emotions ran high and the people in front of me were equally moved. The bands were wonderful and the climax of the show was heartwarming and emotional. I doubt there was a dry eye in the building. This was my first time attending the event. I had really never heard of it before, but I can assure you, I will be back again next year. Your organization must be applauded. The effort put into this event was superb. Thank you. We should never forget those who sacrificed their lives for us and I hope this event will continue for all years to come. I have been requested by my Father, Bill Robinson, age 97, who walked in the parade on Saturday, August 18th, 2007, he wanted me to let you know how proud he was to walk once again in this very special parade. He is also very proud of the fact that was 'able to walk'. My Dad was in the RCAF in WWII but due to the fact that he was too tall, he was not able to fly. He is with the 36th Ulster Division Old Comrades Association. His father fought in the Battle of the Somme, 1916, and died in that battle. My Dad walked with Branch 11 of the Royal Canadian Legion, where he is a member. After the parade we watched the 'Salute to Heroes', my Dad thoroughly enjoyed this, the best ever, he said. It has always been a special family time. Once again, thank you for all your work in the past and the work you will be doing in the future. It is appreciated. We were pleased to hear them announce my Dad's name as he entered the Coliseum with the Legion, also to see it on the Global TV news. As in the past, I have always made a point to participate in the annual Warriors' Day Parade. It is my small way of saying thanks, and a way of paying tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I may have the freedoms I enjoy each day. Many thanks for maintaining The Warriors' Day Parade! These past years have offered little opportunity to show support for our Veterans, except for the Parade. We wish you much success in all your future endeavors. I attend the Parade with my children and grandchildren to show our appreciation to the War Veteran's of Canada in memory of my later father and all those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom we all enjoy today. We go to this event as a Family in memory of our two brothers who went overseas and returned safely but now have passed away in their later 70's. There are 20 of us who are attending the Parade this year as a family group. It is our way to keep alive the remembrance of my Father and other men and women that kept our Country free for us to enjoy. My Father was in the First World War serving with 20th Battalion. My Brother, Brother-in-law and six Cousins were all in the Second World War and arrived safely back home. Both my Mother and Father lost Brothers in the First World War. We must still show all remaining Veterans of all wars that we honour and appreciate their bravery in volunteering their services. Thank you for your effort in maintaining this honour for our Veterans. Attending the parade has been a family function day for as long as I can remember. We are now passing this tradition down to the grandchildren. Our Dad was a proud 5-year veteran of WWII and landed on Nan Beach. He passed away 11 years ago but we always attended the Parade as a family and continue to do so in his memory. Thanks for helping to keep the tradition of this wonderful parade and day to those who served so gallantly. Lest we forget! I appreciate the hard work that the Council puts into staging this event year after year. We must never take that for granted. I served in the Merchant Navy from 1941 until 1950. I always take my grand children and great grandchildren to The Warriors' Day Parade, which they thoroughly enjoy. It truly is a wonderful event. Thank you. Our boys are getting fewer each year but we must carry on and never forget. Bless you all and keep up the good work. I don't know how long I will be able to go, but Warriors' Day is very important to me, we have been going since I was a child except for when the war was on. To me, The Warriors' Day Parade is one of the highlights of the year when you see these proud brave men still marching erect at their age. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have the freedom we now enjoy. We must continue to support our veterans and the young men and women who are keeping our shores safe. Thank you. My wife, also a veteran, and I have been attending the Parade since the time when South African veterans were marching. My father was a Boer War Veteran. Let's keep it going. I would like to thank all Veterans, present and past, family members and the committee who make the Warriors' Day Parade happen every year during the CNE. It was a touching moment to see the survivors who marched with such great pride and honour to make Canada such a great country in which to live. I look forward to next years presentation "Return to Vimy". God bless all of you. We would like to thank your people for a fantastic experience being our first time in the Warriors Day Parade...we had a blast & plan on being there in the future! It's about respecting the sacrifice they made and about teaching (my kids) a little bit of history. They (grandchildren) should know exactly what went on during the war. They should know what they fought for and should have the highest respect for it. It's very important. I just want to tell all of our troops that I am behind you 100%. Thanks so much for everything you are doing. You make me very proud to be Canadian! I'll be attending the Warriors' Day parade in Toronto later this month as a way of paying tribute to all of you. THANKS ! It's a time to mark the sacrifice of those who didn't come back, it's incredibly stirring. It brings back a lot of memories. Would never miss the parade! Watching my husband proudly march year after year. Many vivid memories of past Warriors' Day Parades. A public display
of the sacrifices made for peace and freedom, the Warriors' Day Parade
serves as a special reminder of the valour of many Canadians, and is
a real testament to Canada's military history. I was especially pleased to see so many people out at the parade, during
the Year of the Veteran, to collectively remember Canada's heroes, retell
Canada's history and inspire Canada's youth. We really love carrying on our family tradition of going to the CNE every Warriors' Day. Thank you for taking on this task. People like us really appreciate it. During the past 22 years, we have enjoyed the Parade and the opportunity to renew contact with ex service members and families. All our children look forward to the Parade and being able to support our veterans. Thank you very much for doing this for our family as this has been a tradition for us since I was a little girl. What a joy to celebrate this event! We always participate in the annual visit to the Warriors' Day Parade. We will continue to keep the memory of the great sacrifices made by our Veterans. I was wounded, losing fingers on both hands and suffer from head injuries causing partial complex seizures, so you can see how much any warriors' events mean so much to me and my family. Thank you, keep up the tradition and keep marching. It is a privilege to see so many heroes. Every year our family enjoys attending the Parade. We are delighted to hear that this tradition is continuing. We feel it is important to encourage our children to honour all those who kept our world free from oppression. These days, when we are learning more than we did in the fourties about what our great guys did to protect us and give us this freedom we enjoy, it is even more precious to honour those who are still here to remember. Thank you.